Горутина (Goroutine)
struct G {
uintptr stackguard; // segmented stacks
uintptr stackbase;
int64 goid; // id for stack dumps
int16 status; // running, runnable, blocked
Gobuf sched; // saved registers
G* alllink; // links all goroutines
G* schedlink; // links G's in schuedler
// panic, defer, etc, etc
struct P {
int32 id;
uint32 status; // one of Pidle/Prunning/...
uint32 schedtick; // incremented on every scheduler call
uint32 syscalltick; // incremented on every system call
MCache* mcache;
// Queue of runnable goroutines.
G** runq;
int32 runqhead;
int32 runqtail;
int32 runqsize;
// Available G's (status == Gdead)
G* gfree;
int32 gfreecnt;
struct M {
int32 id;
G* g0; // goroutine with scheduling stack
G* gsignal; // signal-handling G
G* curg; // current running goroutine
G* lockedg; // locked goroutine
P* p; // attached P for executing Go code
M* alllink; // links all M's
M* schedlink; // links M's in scheduler
void* stackcache[]; // stack segment cache
// lots of other stuff